In this story adapted from Mark Twain, hilarity ensues when a young student encounters a Ghost with an identity crisis and his Shadow, who is determined to banish his soul to hell.
Schools: This play is a good choice for schools.
In this story adapted from Mark Twain, hilarity ensues when a young student encounters a Ghost with an identity crisis and his Shadow, who is determined to banish his soul to hell.
Vincent/Vanessa – Age: early/mid 20s. A sheltered Brown student who is in way over his/her head.
The Ghost – Age: 200. The cranky, all-powerful Cardiff Giant who is haunting this abandoned hotel. He wants to be terrifying but he’s not always good at it.
The Shadow – Age 5? 105? The Ghost’s right hand man/guard dog/best friend. He doesn’t speak much, but when he does, he delights in banishing people’s souls to hell. Can be played by one or more actors.
Casting Note:
Minimum: 1M, 2M/F.
Maximum: 1M, 4M/F.
(The play has been produced numerous times with the role of “Shadow” being played by more than one actor.)
Setting: The lobby of an abandoned hotel, Upstate New York.
Set note: Two doors will be needed, plus a third entrance which can come from offstage.
Performance Royalties are based on theater particulars. Please fill out an application for a personalized quote.
Billing responsibilities, pertinent copyright information, and playwrights' biographies are available in the show rider that comes with your license agreement.
Materials: your materials will be sent to you two months prior to your opening date and will include everything necessary for your production and can be ordered in Printed or Digital format. Printed Materials are provided on unbound three-hole punched loose-leaf paper while Digital Materials are provided via email as downloadable PDF files for you to print in-house. All materials are yours to keep! No deposits, no returns.
The required materials for A Ghost Story include:
Production Scripts
Available Products:
Wicked Lit Print Edition - The beautifully designed anthology, available at wholesale costs to sell in your lobby!
Director's Script – Single-sided script with space for director’s notes.
Logo/PR Pack – Includes high-resolution artwork and reference photos. Also, ready-designed posters, reviews and pull quotes, if available.
by Jonathan Josephson
adapted from a short story by Mark Twain
Run Time: 18min
Cast Size: 1M, 2 Flexible
Themes: Supernatural, Loneliness, Self-Esteem, Hoaxes
In this story adapted from Mark Twain, hilarity ensues when a young student encounters a Ghost with an identity crisis and his Shadow, who is determined to banish his soul to hell.
Schools: This play is a good choice for schools.
In this story adapted from Mark Twain, hilarity ensues when a young student encounters a Ghost with an identity crisis and his Shadow, who is determined to banish his soul to hell.
Vincent/Vanessa – Age: early/mid 20s. A sheltered Brown student who is in way over his/her head.
The Ghost – Age: 200. The cranky, all-powerful Cardiff Giant who is haunting this abandoned hotel. He wants to be terrifying but he’s not always good at it.
The Shadow – Age 5? 105? The Ghost’s right hand man/guard dog/best friend. He doesn’t speak much, but when he does, he delights in banishing people’s souls to hell. Can be played by one or more actors.
Casting Note:
Minimum: 1M, 2M/F.
Maximum: 1M, 4M/F.
(The play has been produced numerous times with the role of “Shadow” being played by more than one actor.)
Setting: The lobby of an abandoned hotel, Upstate New York.
Set note: Two doors will be needed, plus a third entrance which can come from offstage.
Performance Royalties are based on theater particulars. Please fill out an application for a personalized quote.
Billing responsibilities, pertinent copyright information, and playwrights' biographies are available in the show rider that comes with your license agreement.
Materials: your materials will be sent to you two months prior to your opening date and will include everything necessary for your production and can be ordered in Printed or Digital format. Printed Materials are provided on unbound three-hole punched loose-leaf paper while Digital Materials are provided via email as downloadable PDF files for you to print in-house. All materials are yours to keep! No deposits, no returns.
The required materials for A Ghost Story include:
Production Scripts
Available Products:
Wicked Lit Print Edition - The beautifully designed anthology, available at wholesale costs to sell in your lobby!
Director's Script – Single-sided script with space for director’s notes.
Logo/PR Pack – Includes high-resolution artwork and reference photos. Also, ready-designed posters, reviews and pull quotes, if available.