Like most playwrights, I get asked a lot where the idea for a play comes from. For me, every play is different, but all are similar in that there is a spark that takes hold. Once it miraculously does, obsession sets in and I know I have no choice but to stay on it till I write “curtain.”
It’s a whole new world for London’s Aladdin as the production will welcome Matthew Croke in the musical’s title role beginning June 5
The New York premiere of John Leguizamo: Latin History for Morons officially opens at the Public Theater Off-Broadway March 27. Directed by Tony Taccone, the satirical
The new Broadway revival of Arthur Miller's The Price has extended its run one week, through May 14, at the American Airlines Theatre.
Supergirl and The Flash aren’t the only television series getting into the musical mindset this week. The March 22 episode of SyFy’s The Magicians featured