I love collaborations. I was thrilled when Stage Rights contacted me with their awesome idea to create a blog where theatre people doing theatre people stuff could contribute and learn and share. A fabulous colleague at AACT recently made this great point about how important it is to take the time to share (information). That's it -taking the time. Take the time to read a blog (like Stage Writes!). Take the time to be part of a larger group of people or organizations. Take the time and make the commitment to show up to (at least some of) the events that people organize where you can meet others, talk 'shop' and again, share. Take the time to celebrate. Just like Stage Writes is doing, and encouraging others to. I love that through another organization (American Association of Community Theatre, AACT), I've been able to get to know Stage Rights, and ultimately, collaborate on our joint efforts.
It's not easy to start something new, to wrangle and rile up others. But, when you know you have good people on your side, it makes it a lot of fun. So far, so good with the good people. There are LOTS of community theatres in California. What we don't have is a unified front to bring us all together (well, we're a pretty big state, so that's just one of the challenges). I hope the California Community Theatre website is a great place for folks to learn about and from one another.
What is the point of the site? Well, to create awareness of one another; to stick together; and to help people in a big old state like CA feel a little warmer, closer, and more connected. It's low pressure, just sign up (for FREE), and watch for notifications asking you to contribute content and info about YOUR theatre. If you are a friend or patron or general community theatre geek like me, check out the site or like us on Facebook so you can discover these community theatre treasures. Be part of the larger 'conversation' in this state. Find out what other people are doing and where. Share your stories. Talk about your theatre. Have a place to ask questions to colleagues who might know what your life in California community theatre is like.
About California Community Theatre: California Community Theatre is a (FREE) online resource launched in 2015. Its goal is to create a connection between and increase awareness of community theatres in the Golden State who are doing the same thing: celebrating the joy of community theatre.
About Liz Lydic: Liz Lydic is an American Association of Community Theatre (AACT) Board member, and serves on several AACT committees. She has worked in various administrative capacities at theatres nationwide, and currently serves as the bookkeeper at the Long Beach Playhouse (where she previously worked as the Business and Operations Manager). Liz helped spearhead the California State Festival for the 2015 AACTFest cycle (and will again take part in the upcoming 2017 California AACTFest), as well as creating and managing californiacommunitytheatre.org. Liz works for the City of El Segundo, and lives in the South Bay area of Los Angeles with her actor/theatre edcuator husband, Stephen, and their daughter, Ramona.
This article was first published on the California Community Theatre Website. Click here to see the original article.